

Now that  I am back in the States, I've taken some time to upload a few videos from this last year teaching in Kenya. A lot of them show different places I visited as well as some of the people or animals I've come across. Enjoy!

Church Choir

These are two church choirs at two of the churches we visited during famine relief. They did this as part of a presentation for us. They are singing in Swahili.  In the first video you'll hear the Pastor of the church I attend there translating some of it.

Field of Maize

This is just a short clip of the fields around one of the villages we went to. This is why we are doing famine relief, as you can see the crops simply died before they could produce any maize.

Driving at night

This is a short video of driving on a "diversion" on the way back from doing some famine relief work outside of Nairobi. It was taped vertical but I couldn't rotate the clip, sorry about that.

Nile River

Just a short clip of the Nile River flowing outside of the camp where we stayed.

Mitumba Children

Video of some of the Mitumba slum students singing to us on our visit there in the fall.

Massai Mara

This is a short video of 5 male lions eating a giraffe they killed the night before. There are 4 lions shown in this video, the 5th is around at the water spot.


These two videos show some giraffes at Crescent Island


A short video showing some monkeys playing on a wall near our hotel in Mombassa